
This page I will be looking into research for my up coming project, in this page I will be looking at how stop motion is used in TV adverts and idents.

Stop motion in adverts is a clever thing to do as it catches the viewers eye as which are different from normal adverts which are videos. It is different as the advert is made up of 24 photos per second meaning that the difference between video and photos playing at a fast speed which will catch the eye of viewers. There are many types of TV idents and adverts out there.

However its the clever, colourful and sound catching adverts and idents that stay with you and make you think of the product and advert. For example the 118 advert, they used an iconic song from a really popular movie called 'Ghostbusters'. This song is widely recognised and therefore when it is played most people know the lyrics and say 'Who you gunna call.. Ghostbusters!' This is clever as now when they play this song people also think of 118 the company and the service they provide, therefore using a popular brand or song can help you grab the attention of your viewers and that's how 118 did it. It is clever as 118 replaced the words 'Ghosterbusters' with '118' also they replaced some words with what the service provides.

When creating my advert i will need to consider what will grab my viewers attention and what will draw them into to watching my advert fully. This is important to consider as it could either be the downfall of an advert or the blessing an advert needs to become very popular and to get the target audience talking about.

Another clear example of a TV advert is the go compare adverts, people remember this advert the most as they relate to the singer on the advert as 'annoying' to which he is, however he is only annoying to the viewers as his advert for go compare has been played over and over again so much that the viewer has got fed up with him. This is now great for the company as now when people think about comparing car insurance or any product they instantly think of go compare as this song has been driven into the viewers head so much they simply cant for get it.

Now TV idents on the other hand need to be short eye catching and yet good enough to inform the viewer or what's next or what channel they are on.
I think the most widely known TV ident known in the UK would be between BBC 1 or Channel 4, this is because the nation watches these channels the most compared to any other channel. I think with a TV ident your more restricted with your creativity as you are fixed to one channel and you have to inform the viewer of what's coming up next, where as with an advert you can open your mind up to anything to get the attention of every body who's watching. TV idents can be eye catching to, take for example the following ident from BBC1 where its introducing Planet Earth it grabs the attention of the viewer by using outstanding animation of a zoom effect on the Planet Earth. Then changes to what the programme is about, after that you get a voice over telling you of what's coming up. That also is a key feature to both adverts and ident the sound needs to fit the advert or ident in order to draw the viewer to look at the TV screen. 

Therefore i need to take in all these key factors in order to produce an advert or ident to attract my viewers attention by either using bright colours or using something that will stand out from the ordinary. It could also be possible if i was to use a piece of music to grab the attention of the viewer to look at the TV.

Here is a video we have recorded to find out about our target audience and we have asked them questions about what sort of stuff we would have in our animation.

Research - Ideas 

When we first came up with the idea of the animation, we were inspired by this video here, the reason why is due to what the dancers do at one stage in the dance. It has the effect of stop motion but its just the lighting on the bodies. After we watched this we had to find a product that could go with the glow in the dark theme and with the target audience. After some brainstorming we created the idea of  magic stars the chocolate because we could use glow in the dark stars. Then some how in the animation we would transform the glow in the dark stars to chocolate stars.
To see the point where we created our idea from watch the video from 0.55 to 1.15 so that you can get the idea on how we came about our idea.

 Furthermore when thinking about how to do our animation we realised that actually nobody has really tried to create an advert with glow in the dark stars working in the dark so this was a challenge we had to over come.
We thought long and hard on how we can over come this issue of the glow in the dark stars appearing on camera. Once we had thought about how we were going to shot this animation, we came up with the idea that we will keep the movement smooth, this would help make the animation look more professional. Adding to this we said that due to the glow in the dark stars being shot in the dark, maybe that every 3 or 4 shots we should place a light over the stars to help the animation maintain a smooth feel and so that the lighting didn't change much.

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